Sherlock Holmes Dramatic Reading - Story 24 November

One day. 24 hours. Every month. Imagine, create, release.

Making things is hard. Staying motivated on long term projects where there’s no hard release date is also hard. My friend Joshua and I are filmmakers, but we don’t actually make very many things ourselves. Between us we work on dozens of creative and commercial projects every year, but we don’t make them ourselves. We’ve always believed that creating is the best way to get better, but we don’t actually do it.

That is Story 24, just the name we gave to the act of forcing ourselves to clear one day a month to make something new and release it in 24 hours.

One day we hope to expand this idea beyond just ourselves to encourage others who get trapped in endless busyness. Take one day, every month, make something.

For November we decided to record a short story, specifically the Sherlock Holmes short “A Scandal in Bohemia” by Arthur Conan Doyle. We only got as far as finishing Chapter 1 of the book as we underestimated how long it would take to record a 12 page story. For years we’ve talked about making an audiobook or audiodrama, and we finally have… or at least the first chapter of one.