What is Story 24? - Story 24 February

Story 24 is a monthly event where Joshua and Silas get together to work on a release a project.

Anyone who wishes to be a film maker, artist, designer, musician or some other creative full time often finds themselves in a place of wanting to make things, but not actually doing it. Joshua and I were in that place. We claimed to be film makers, and we had made a couple of things over the years, and I work full time as an editor and shooter, but that’s corporate video. We don’t really spend much time on our own projects or release much of anything. That’s where Story 24 comes from. Once a month take 24 hours to set it aside to make and release something. Doesn’t have to be good, just has to be something new and done in one day. It’s like a 24 hour film festival, but it the medium could be anything: audiobooks, paintings, songs, music videos, story breakdowns, photos. Just make something and release it.

We decided to make a video talking about that, we decided to do it in one take, and we decided to get in and out of cars.